10 reasons to attend ISDEF 2016 Spring

Hear real-life success stories

People who have started from scratch and excelled are the best example and motivator. Find out how to use circumstances to your advantage and what opportunities you must not miss.

Break through the glass ceiling

You work a lot, but is your goal still in sight? The problems you encounter today have already been overcome by dozens of ISDEF attendees. They'll help you; so use their experience.

Talk to experts in an informal setting

According to reviews by participants, ISDEF is one of the most informal and friendly conferences. Once the programmed presentations end, the time begins for informal networking, where newcomers can get one-to-one advice from owners of multi-million-dollar businesses. This networking often goes on past midnight and many people come to ISDEF specifically for this :)

Get a motivational boost

The atmosphere of ISDEF is a breath of fresh air for those who are tired of being lone warriors and solving strategic problems in solitude. ISDEF's strength is in uniting people who are searching for answers to the same questions.

Keep up with the trends

Make up your own mind about the situation in the IT industry. At ISDEF, you'll discover the latest trends and outlook in a short space of time. Take part, listen, chat, and draw conclusions.

Learn how to create a strong team

Learn how to attract high-quality specialists and build up healthy relationships with them. Meet potential contractors who are well established in the ISDEF professional community.

Come up with a killer idea

Brainwaves and "something just clicked" – these happen at ISDEF every time. There's enough inspiration at ISDEF for everyone: you'll get your share too.

Bring virtual conversations into the real world

However highly we rate online communication, it can't compare with real-life interaction. Feel the magic of that moment when a person from your emails shakes your hand and pats you on the shoulder.

Get the answers to legal questions

Where to register your company and what organizational form to choose for it, how to do business legally and effectively – at ISDEF, you can find out how flourishing IT companies answered these questions.

Find business partners

ISDEF is an event at which it is easy to come to agreements on partnership with your colleagues. ISDEF enables you, in a short space of time, to organize the infrastructure to put a project out on a global scale quickly, or to bring the project to a new stage of investment.

Reviews of previous ISDEFs

Pavel Kozlovsky

CEO, Keepsoft

Olesya Chedleeva

Manager, Avangate

Dmitri Dubograev

Managing Partner, femida.us

Maria Pershko

Manager, MyCommerce

Dennis Zhuravlev

CEO, Indigo Byte Systems LLC

Alexander Murauski

CEO, Alconost

Pavel Kozlovsky

Pavel Kozlovsky

CEO, Keepsoft

I represent KeepSoft (home accounting). I have been coming to ISDEF since as far back as 2005. It was quite difficult to take the first step, but since I really wanted to meet the people I knew online in person, I decided to go and didn't regret it. The best features of ISDEF are that you learn something new from the presentations, and you get an effect from chatting informally with people who have the same interests as you and are delighted to discuss different topics of interest.

Olesya Chedleeva

Olesya Chedleeva

Manager, Avangate

I represent Avangate. I have come to the conference for the fourth, and definitely not the last, time. ISDEF is a fantastic opportunity to get to know both our existing and future clients, as well as to give interesting presentations. Thanks to ISDEF, last year I became the best salesperson in our company. I recommend this conference to people from companies that are beginning to do business on a global scale, to those who want to hear their most progressive, experienced peers and to people who are interested in current business trends.

Dmitri Dubograev

Dmitri Dubograev

Managing Partner, femida.us

I have been an active participant in IDSEF since 2002. As Managing Partner of femida.us, I believe ISDEF is worth attending for literally any leaders of software development organizations. In its 12 years of existence, IDSEF has become a good source of information about what is going on in the industry. A large amount of the information obtained here allows good work to be carried out in our field. And the people who participate in ISDEF are pleased to share with new participants their wide experience of doing business, including both the technical and legal aspects.

I believe the number of participants in ISDEF must be increasing on account of all the new faces. They are the ones that bring a breath of fresh air to ISDEF, which will allow long-term growth and development in accordance with current trends. But it does not mean that "old-timers" needs to be written off. I, myself, will be making every effort to come back next year.

Maria Pershko

Maria Pershko

Manager, My Commerce

I work as Sales Manager for MyCommerce. I first came to ISDEF with an honest aim: "To make the world a better place". But more seriously, the task I set myself was to talk to people (more precisely, the opportunity to understand their mood, desires and concerns). I handled this pretty well. My own personal conclusion, comparing ISDEF with other conferences, is that here the predominant audience has a deep-rooted passion. Whereas at other conferences everything ends with a quick buffet, here it is the opposite; it is in this informal setting that all key relationships are formed, and the socializing continues for longer than planned. It is exactly the kind of event that would attract a female audience.

Dennis Zhuravlev

Dennis Zhuravlev

CEO, Indigo Byte Systems LLC

Partner and CEO of Indigo Byte Systems. I first visited ISDEF in 2007, then I had a small break, now for the past three years I have not missed a single conference. When I went there for the first time, I felt embarrassed and inhibited. I was frightened by the thoughts of how the conversation would go between a beginner entrepreneur and established, well-respected businessmen who had gone through fire and water. Nowadays, ISDEF for me is a meeting with colleagues, a motivational recharge that lasts me at least six months. Particularly so when I see other successful people or people with the same problems as me and I understand that they can be solved. And the biggest plus is that with every trip, I bring more and more ideas that I try to realize. I recommend ISDEF to those who have an IT business focused on sales, to users and organizations from the B2B and B2C fields, to those for whom sales are top priority and simply to people starting their own projects. They can show them here in detail and hear healthy, constructive criticism or advice, not from investors, but from real people who have also developed their projects from scratch.

Alexander Murauski

Alexander Murauski

CEO, Alconost

CEO of Alconost. I am at ISDEF for the fifth time now. The main aim of my trip was to get to know our existing clients. I feel a kind of magic when I read a name on a badge I have only ever seen in an email address, and now this real live person is standing next to me :) For me personally, ISDEF has helped a great deal in terms of psychological growth. During my first trips I could find key clients here; now ISDEF participants are not necessarily these, but traditionally they become my friends.

ISDEF is continuous growth and inspiration. Each time, I go away with the kind of mood that keeps me developing on every level for at least another six months. I recommend ISDEF to absolutely any entrepreneur or even students. Anybody who has decided to develop their own business or do their own project can hear a wealth of useful information about how to grow in business, from product development to advice on opening a company in America.

Michael Gunin

Michael Gunin

Development Director, Pina

I work as Development Direct for Pina. I first came to ISDEF as both a guest and speaker. Most of all, I was interested in the professional format of the event. There are not too many people here, but they all work on software professionally. I really wanted to talk to them, and also tell them a little about myself and discuss relevant problems and questions. I want to add that I was won over by the lack of overt advertising in presentations and by the fact that everyone was talking about objective things, modern approaches, practices, issues and new trends. And this is something quite amazing. I think it is really worth attending ISDEF in order to draw a wealth of useful information, both for those who have a finished product and those who are still developing one or speculating about realizing ideas. Without a doubt, these and others will find useful answers to the questions that interest them.

Constantin Kaplinsky

Constantin Kaplinsky

CEO, GlavSoft

I came to ISDEF from Tomsk and represent GlavSoft. This is my second time at the conference, and I put ISDEF in my schedule again for this year right after my first trip. I feel that ISDEF is a fantastic gathering of like-minded people in a "club"-type atmosphere. I was interested in talking to every single attendee as they are all such open people. Conversations took place in an informal, off-stage environment, which allowed you to feel much freer with people.

I would recommend ISDEF to people who have their own software business, especially before it gets really big and they have questions on how to develop it. Here, they will definitely find answers to all the questions that are bothering them.

Mikhail Filippenko

Mikhail Filippenko

CEO, Fast Reports, Inc.

I am the CEO of Fast Reports, Inc. and have taken an active part in ISDEF since the moment it began. I believe my visits are important to my business, which I have been running for quite a while now. Since the business is, in essence, me, the head of the company, its development should also start from me. If the head of a company has something wrong with their business processes, motivation system or creating sales channels, the business won't work. And all this knowledge is concentrated here. In the space of literally a few days, you get the opportunity to meet people who have not only had the same problems as you, but also have ready solutions to them. And also, people's contacts may be able to help. ISDEF helped me reevaluate the market potential of our country by a factor of tens of thousands. I had previously underestimated it, but now that I have the chance to see what direction the industry is developing in and where we need to get to tomorrow, everything is going to be much clearer. Thanks to ISDEF, we have become a large company, born out of a hobby.

Therefore, I sincerely recommend ISDEF both to managers or leaders of IT companies and to those who are just starting or considering entering the global market.

Dmitrii Klimenko

Dmitrii Klimenko

I have come to ISDEF for the first time and, to be honest, I had been doubting for a while whether it was worth spending $800 on something for pleasure. But in the end I was satisfied with the trip. Maybe the content was not exactly for me and I didn't learn much that was useful for my business, but I did discover some interesting things for general development. So I can't assess the conference objectively. Nevertheless, I'd rate the organization of the conference 8 out of 10, and networking with attendees even 9. Next year, I plan to come again, perhaps even with friends who, although they don't have the same kind of career, would most definitely enjoy chatting to people who don't work for anybody.

Mikhail Gerasimov

Mikhail Gerasimov

CEO, TulaSoft LLC

I am the CEO of TulaSoft, LLC and have been coming to ISDEF twice a year for 10 years now. For me, ISDEF is about networking with interesting people, a huge recharge of positivity and motivation to work better, harder and for greater quality. A whole lot of interesting and useful connections are made at this conference, so I would rate the effect of these connections very highly. Today, I know most of the regular attendees personally and with the new participants, we're already in the processes of getting to know one another. They are all very open to conversation and if what you do is directly related to software, then you have something to talk about.

Kirill Kliushkin

Kirill Kliushkin


I work for Alconost and it was my colleagues who convinced me to come to ISDEF. Honestly speaking, I doubted how effective it would be, and more precisely, the extent to which the expenses of the trip would pay off. But fortunately, we weren't disappointed. And even if our $2,000-2,500 for two people hasn't paid off financially, it most certainly has in terms of new ideas and new business trends.

Michael Oreshin

Michael Oreshin

EuroCloud Russia

I represent EuroCloud Russia. I've come to ISDEF for the first time, although I'd heard a lot about this event. I'm glad that the rumors it was some kind of get-together for shareware developers weren't confirmed! I really liked the conference and I've certainly not seen this format in Russia before. Very valuable for me was getting into an environment with people who had founded their own companies 20 years ago, as well as those who were starting now. They all share their mistakes, experience and opinions about how it works now and how it was before. In a nutshell, it made a very positive impression on me and I hope this trip won't be my last. As soon as I get home, I'll recommend it to my friends, as I now know for sure exactly whom this conference is addressed at.